Stage-player - Privacy chart

Pragmatic-apps has made privacy a priority.

The purpose of this policy is to define the rules applicable to the data we collect through our website and our mobile applications.

Collection and use of personal data

Our applications may require you to create an account in order to store your data and give you the means to recover it.

Your accounts are secured by email so that you can retrieve your credentials in case of loss, but we will never use your email for any advertising or commercial purposes.

Also our applications do not collect any data or statistics.


This application doesn't include any ads.

Access to cloud storage

Some cloud storage extensions can be unlocked by making in-app purchases. These purchases will be associated with the account and will be retrieved automatically on all devices on which the account is used.

target audience and content of application

The content is educational. The application is suitable for all ages, even if the difficulties related to the learning of the music correspond more to the public having a higher age than 6 years.


The application does not require any particular authorization access to your device.

Changes to our privacy policy

Please note that we may update or change this privacy policy from time to time. If we make any changes, we will post those changes on this page and in other places we deem appropriate so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, under what circumstances, and if any, how we disclose it. If we make any material changes, we will notify you by means of a notice on this site before the change is implemented. Please visit for the most current version of this policy.

Right to be forgotten

You can ask us to delete all the data concerning you by simple email to : pragmaticapps13 at gmail dot com

Effective date: 05/24/2016